Friday, May 10, 2013

When sugar is a drug detox

When sugar is a drug: here's how to detox

If these days, thanks to the Easter , there is gripping the suspicion of having risked overdose chocolate , if only to break away from the idea dove throws you into a state of prostration: science could reserve you a bitter truth about your desire sweet.
In fact, according to neuroscientist Bart Hoebel, binge sugar can have effects on the brain similar to those caused by the abuse of drugs: with real withdrawal symptoms and dependence. If you thought you were just greedy: open your eyes! According to the study of ' Princeton University , New Jersey, you might even be sugar-dependent. The research was carried out using guinea pigs and feeding them high doses of sugar water every day, after they had spent the night fasting. Within three weeks, the animals began to show signs of impatience and frenzy behavior similar to that of drug addicts in withdrawal symptoms. Remained long been eager to get a new "dose" were uncontrollable, "said Hoebel. experiment in animals showed an increase in brain dopamine as he explains Hoebel " It 'a substance that is found in the nucleus accumbens, the part used to motivation and reward mechanism and is known for some time that drug abuse increases the release of dopamine in this part of the brain, we similarly found that sugar acts in the same way . " In another experiment, the guinea pigs, after being fed for a period consisting of sugar, have been forced to spend a few more weeks without receiving. Well, when the substance was reintroduced in the diet, they ate a lot more than before.
Even Professor Pierfranco Spano, a professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the ' University of Brescia , located convincing the hypothesis that sugar causes dependence on us.
" So-called reward systems that we have in the brain, from the Anglo-Saxon medicine defined "rewarding system", mediate the effects of all drugs of abuse. words, there is a participation of brain systems in which the master key is dopamine. This is usually the appetitive behaviors that depart from the masencefalo and arrive in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain, in turn, divided into two areas, the so-called "shell." This "shell" comes on in the event of desire or expectation of reward . "
" Genes and postnatal development in the long run directing people toward alcohol, sugar or cocaine. The "choice" of the object of addiction is made ​​based on experience and personal predisposition: and it is on this front that science is investigating further . " But do not worry, it would seem that in order for the mechanism of addiction is active is a need for massive doses of sugar. The discovery of Hoebel, in any case is very important at the scientific level, as it represents the squaring of the circle of a whole series of studies and could have important implications for people who suffer from eating disorders, such as "binge eating" ( crisis binge eating) or bulimia. Instead, if the sweets are actually your obsession , Dr. Scott Olson, an expert in alternative medicine doctor gives us some useful advice to defeat this insidious form of drug that reaches the point of creating withdrawal symptoms when sugars are missing such as anxiety, nervousness, tremors, restlessness. If you want to detoxify follow these simple tips: - Eat more often this will help reduce the "tremendous" craving for sugar - Eat more fruits that contain the (few) unrefined sugars reduce the need for elaborate desserts. Only the melon has a glycemic index slightly higher than other fruits - Brush your teeth: it seems, in fact, is a great way to turn off the sugar cravings - Take more exercise, even a simple walk will take you through gluttony According to the Dr. Olson, sugar harms us: increasing body weight and convulsing from the blood vessels in the same way that smoking poisons the lungs. Obviously, it will be easy to reduce the consumption of sugar, but when you succeed you will feel better, more relaxed and with more energy. But it does not end here: no longer be dependent on sugar also means guarantee more soundly and long lasting. Well, according to science less sweet in life makes life sweeter ...


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