Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tips to prevent and curb sugar cravings naturally

How can you stop sugar cravings that are annoying and interfere with your diet and normal eating pattern? 

Suddenly you crave sugar and when you eat a jelly bean, you find that you can not stop until you've eaten the whole package, and then you repent and you feel disgusted with yourself is demolished entire package? Here we will examine the cause, what causes them, how to prevent it from happening and how to stop once they start. sugar cravings and binning on sugar can be considered a habit or an addiction in the worst case can have a sugar addiction that resembles an addiction to coffee, snuff or other drugs.

Why sugar cravings occur?

Sugar cravings can be associated with a decrease in the levels of blood sugar. If it is a couple of hours since the last meal of the appetizer is reasonable to expect that you will feel hungry and this will lead to sugar cravings.

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Sugar is the quick fix and many organs including the brain depends on sugar, no fat or protein. You body can supply sugar in the sequence of breeding, but it is a slow process and it is much easier and faster to eat just sugar.

Food cravings are also due to various hormonal changes Many women have found that they crave sugar when they are premenstrual Our emotional state, we feel it is also largely responsible for sugar cravings - .. We eat to feel major. Also sugar can be caused by a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. tired and need a break can also trigger a desire.
Feelings of anger, stress or frustration can also trigger a desire and many people seek comfort by polishing a cake, an entire block of chocolate or an entire package of cookies.

Type A people are probably more prone to sugar cravings. The people are more impatient, more ambitious, more aggressive and more prone to stress and its various symptoms. These people are also more oriented achievements. Sugar cravings can also develop from excessive consumption of coffee and tea. After a while caffeine induce successes bajaataque blood sugar and stress feeling relieved quickly by a sugar hit.

Why am prone to sugar cravings?
Nutritionists have found that people who eat messily, eat fast and eat a restricted range of high-carbohydrate and high-fat foods tend to develop cravings for sugar and other food addictions. Sugar cravings can be considered as a form of compensation for a meal without interests a poor diet.

Foods that are low in fiber and have a high density of calories can lead to sugar cravings, as they are digested faster, producing an increase in the levels of blood sugar [link here] and tend to result in long before hunger pangs after a meal.

Chronic diet and failed may be particularly prone to erratic sugar cravings and uncontrollable. Diet leaves you vulnerable, because you feel tired, stressed and hungry, and foods with high sugar content provides instant relief. People who try to starve yourself for part of the day son probabilistic crashing and having too much sugar.

If you like your meals slowly, feeling fully satisfied at the end of the meal without overeating and eating fiber-rich foods take longer to digest may be less likely to develop addictions to sugar due to avoid circumstances that trigger their appearance.

How to prevent sugar cravings
Reduce high sugar shock included in their normal eating patterns. Do you tend to eat something sweet at the end of each meal? Do you tend to snack foods high in sugar, such as ice cream or cookies. Completion? Ice cream after dinner? If you can break this habit, you will help prevent sugar cravings and breaking the cycle and develop better alternatives.
Preventing hunger between meals and choosing better snacks - To avoid anxiety and sudden onset of hunger develop new habits of health always have snacks on hand between your three main meals Eat fruits, nuts, crackers high in fiber. As snacks salads or yogurt. Eat snacks regularly before there is the risk of a sugar hit.
Brushing teeth at the end of the meal can help stop sugar cravings. A toothpaste good quality leaves you with a fresh minty taste in your mouth feeling clean and that can make you less likely to grab something sweet.

Drink plenty of water - you can often mistake thirst for hunger and a drink will hunger This can not last long, but you could get to the next meal and avoid sugar hit ..
Breaking the habit comfort food to do something different. To break the habit you need to avoid feeling bored or stressed up and go for a walk instead of always looking for a bite. Do something different. Find undistracción away from sugar-laden snack - call a friend, go for a run, have a long hot bath or shower, listen to music, meditate or enjoy a bit of yoga.

Avoid moments - The trick is to delay or avoid the temptation to satisfy your sugar cravings immediately, greatly reducing the number of times you are tempted and give it to them after all they are called now for good reason.?. If you can avoid or delay? time?, weakness along with the temptation will. This works well to prevent sugar cravings. Learn to do anything but eat something sweet and you'll be well on the way to break the habit. You may actually like yourself to be stronger than your desires!

Remove the temptation, Clara your pantry - Another way to avoid the temptation of snacks sugar craving is to clean your pantry and avoid stores that offer these items Keep all tempting snacks that are eaten by the rest of the family -. Outside the vistas of mind.?
Never shop when hungry or tempting places. It is very easy to succumb to the sweet treats almost unconsciously sugar levels in the blood are low. Eat something healthy before going high in fiber, like a piece of fruit or a low fat, low sugar yogurt. Avoid snack and only islands, but what is on your list.

Hypnosis to stop sugar cravings

Also a last resort you can try hypnosis to control your sugar cravings. You can even try on self-help hypnosis mp3 recordings that are available online. They have a very reasonably priced, and come with a 90 day money new warranty risk free more than enough time to see if this works for you:?

1 comment:

  1. I need to try this. I have such a HUGE sweet tooth!
