Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sugar addiction: Causes and remedies

Apparently the "detoxification" Sugar is the trend of the moment. There are diets that promise to eliminate the dependence on cakes in three weeks, thus the loss of extra pounds. But eating excessive amounts of broccoli for a whole week can really help? Let's find out the truth about the greedy desire for sweets, the sugar-addiction and how to remedy them.

The sugar-addiction is a real phenomenon?

Many people claim they can not do without a daily dose of sweet, but it is this that distinguishes the sugar-addiction? The answer is far from simple. The researchers believe that a wrong dietary pattern (not the sugar itself) may create a kind of addiction, and even changes in the brain. Sugar affects the chemicals that are "feel good" (such as serotonin and dopamine) in the brain the same way as drugs.

What are the symptoms of sugar-addiction?

Whether you call it addiction, eating disorder or just bad habit, there are still signs that characterize use of unhealthy sugary foods. E 'can, in fact, lose control and ingest quantities of sweets more than expected. E 'can also experience withdrawal symptoms when, for any reason, you can not satisfy your craving for sweet daily. The symptoms that characterize low levels of blood sugar include a bit 'of anxiety, agitation, nervousness and sometimes cold sweat.

The bond sugar-brain

The sugar feeds the brain cells and also affects chemicals in the brain. Excessive intake of sugary foods can alter the receptors in the brain that regulate satiety, or the amount of food that you eat. Some laboratory studies in rats have shown that mice receiving high amounts of sugar showed brain changes similar to those caused by the suspension of a drug. In humans, the only viewing of images of sweets triggers brain activity similar to that which is denoted in drug addicts. This activity seems to be more intense in women with high dependence on food compared to those which are not found to be dependent in the same way.

The effect of "roller coaster"

When you eat something sweet, the sugar present in that food (called simple carbohydrate) is rapidly converted into glucose in the blood. The levels of sugar in the blood increase and reach a peak, at the time when the simple carbohydrates are consumed individually, or as a sole source of food (for example, when a mid-afternoon you eat a chocolate bar). All simple carbohydrates are absorbed quickly, especially those that are processed and concentrated in syrups, soft drinks in, and at the candy table sugar. Simple carbohydrates are also found in fruits, vegetables and dairy products, but the presence of protein and fiber slows the absorption and ensure the intake of healthy nutrients.

The pancreas releases the hormone insulin act to transport glucose from the blood into the cells for energy. Consequently, the level of sugar in the blood may fall in a rather drastic. That famous chocolate consumed in mid-afternoon sets the stage for an unhealthy dietary pattern. This is because when you have a high sugar spike followed by a decline as high, you tend to get hungry again. Low levels of sugar in the blood can cause tremors, dizziness and urgent desire to reach again the sugar spike last year.

When starch and sugar are equivalent

You have exaggerated with the fries? These starchy foods are complex carbohydrates, but the body breaks them down into simple sugars. If consumed individually, without being accompanied by healthier foods, some starches, such as white flour, white rice and white potatoes, can cause the same cycle "roller coaster" in the previous section. Refined starches are the worst "offenders": white bread, pretzels, crackers and pasta.

Cleansing Diets sugar really work?

Some of these diets urge to eliminate any food containing sugars, including fruit, dairy products and all refined grains, in order to completely purify the body. But dietary changes of this magnitude are too drastic to be realistic . The moment you adopt a diet is not sustainable, it is good to do in the short term or at the end is inevitably likely to return to old habits.

Retraining the taste buds

Because of the sugar-addiction, many people think they need more sugar than necessary. Re-educating the taste buds you can learn to enjoy foods not properly sweet. Try to eliminate from your diet sugary food a week. Do not eat dessert after dinner. Gradually reduce the amount of sugar you put usually in coffee or cereal. Over time, the feeling of dependence will decline.

The sweet alternative

It is not necessary to give up the sweet taste, just get it from other sources. Try to make sweet oats with fresh fruit or with a puree of berries, instead of using sugar. The fruit has nothing to envy to sugar and is available in many forms: dried, frozen or canned (in this case, be careful that it does not contain too much sugar added). Other sources are more than satisfying a glass of skim milk or yogurt with low sugar content. These two foods contain lactose, milk sugar, which has a sweet taste. Finally, they are rich in protein and calcium.

How to Eliminate sugar-addiction

By taking small steps - do not need to deal with the situation dramatically. Made to small and simple changes in your diet that you will be able to sustain over time. Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water and avoid as much as possible to consume processed food. Start by buying sugar-free foods and add to them a sufficient amount of sugar to suit your taste. Gradually reduce the amount of sugar. After a few weeks, you'll be surprised how little you miss.

Please add protein to the diet - When you are "dying of hunger," the desserts are a reminder almost irresistible. The sense of hunger undermines the willpower to resist the urge to sugar. Eating protein is an easy way to curb this desire. The protein-rich foods are digested more slowly and retain full longer. The proteins do not cause spikes in blood sugar as refined carbohydrates and sugars. Choose healthy protein sources such as lean chicken, low-fat yogurt, eggs, nuts or beans.

A cargo healthy fiber - Dietary fibers promote the feeling of satiety. The fiber-rich foods also give you more energy and does not increase blood glucose levels, thus avoiding the appearance of an additional sense of hunger immediately after eating. Opt for the soluble fiber in fruits and vegetables, and for the insoluble fiber found in whole grains. Or, spread a thin layer of peanut butter on an apple for a combo of protein and fiber. Finally, the fibers help to protect against heart disease and some types of cancer.

Outputs outdoors - Physical activity does not eliminate the sugar-addiction, but helping to change the way you eat in general. The people who start an exercise program feel better about themselves and are more likely to consider a healthier eating pattern, such as eating less sugar. Whatever the type of physical activity you choose, try to practice for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.

The truth about sugar substitutes

Before you put that packet of sweetener in coffee, consider the following. The researchers found that sugar substitutes may increase sugar cravings, making it harder to keep your weight under control. Sweeteners do not satisfy the sweet tooth, increase the risk of increasing the desire to opt for sweet foods.

Better to opt for sugars "natural"?

Honey or brown sugar are actually better than white table sugar? Not really. Sugar is sugar. Whether it comes from honey or cane sugar, in any case can increase your blood sugar. The sugars of honey and unrefined ones contain a slightly higher amount of nutrients than refined sugar, but they are still calories. This caloric intake will affect the waist and hips, if you do not pay attention to portions.

What is the recommended amount of sugar?

Most Americans consume more than 19 teaspoons of added sugar per day. This means that about 285 of your daily calories come from sugar. Experts agree in asserting that this amount is extremely excessive. So how much sugar is good to consume? No more than 6 teaspoons a day (100 calories) for women and about 9 teaspoons (150 calories) for men.

Sugar is not only sugar is called

Just because the label is missing the word "sugar" does not mean that the food in question without one. The sugar has several aliases, including:

agave nectar
brown rice syrup
fructose corn syrup
evaporated cane juice
malt syrup
In search of hidden sugar

Sugar is not only present in ice cream or candy. It can hide in unexpected foods. Although some foods are not considered as belonging to the category of sweets, they can still be high in sugar, such as ketchup, barbecue sauce, pasta sauce and salad dressings with low fat content. Even the bread can be rich in sugar, as well as some flavored coffees. Get used, therefore, to read the nutritional information on labels before putting the food in the shopping cart.

The sugar causes diabetes?

Sugar does not cause diabetes, but it can trigger a series of events that increase the probability of occurrence. Eating too much sugar promotes weight gain. The overweight makes the body more resistant to the effects of insulin and insulin resistance increases, in turn, the risk of diabetes.


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