Monday, May 13, 2013

Stop Sugar Cravings

4 Things You Must Do To Help You Stop The Lure Of Sugar

Do you have trouble stopping your sugar cravings? Have you tried almost everything to stop the call of Sugar ? Then I have to tell you that you are not alone. If you have realized that treatment with sugar diets only make you attract more diets sugary , then you have to do something.

Have you ever wondered why it is really hard to stop sugar cravings? The reason is this: carbohydrates has been seen to quickly satisfy hunger and also give your body a boost in the short term, which is not bad, but it leaves you starving and more sugar cravings, which is where the problem comes in.

How does it feel to stop sugar cravings once and for all?

Why do you need sugar

Humans have always preferred the taste of sugar right from birth. Remember when you were young, you always love those candies and sweets. But according to research, the carbohydrates stimulates the release of serotonin - a brain chemical that makes us feel good - and endorphins in the body. This suggests the reason for which they feel naturally high when you take sugar.

This coupled with the fact that it has a nice flavor, we tend to reward ourselves with the sweet, and I know you do not want to tell you that it makes you want more. The problem arises then when we consume diets that have too much sugar as one of its ingredients; diets such as bread, yogurt, juices and sauces.

It is not news that more sugar is high in calories, so not knowing what to do to curb sugar cravings will only result in one thing: increase of extra weight. I know you do not want it.

Here are tips to help you stop sugar cravings

Do not stuff your refrigerator with sugar 'a little' hard enough, but if you want to stop the lure of sugar, it is necessary to eliminate any type of sugary food in your refrigerator. The best way to do this is to simply stop buying them.

For starters, you might limit the amount for a while ', perhaps it is reduced by 25%, then 50% and so on, after which you stop it altogether.

Choose fresh foods for snacks instead of sweets, processed foods that are high.

Taking the natural sugars in the diet will help you stop sugar cravings, because they are part of a Carbohydrate complex that gives the body its fuel and energy.

Taking the natural sugars that occur in fruits, vegetables and grains are healthier than sweets. In addition, foods with a low glycemic index may help stop the lure of sugar because the body metabolizes them slowly and help keep the blood sugar more stable.

Stop adding sugar to coffee or cereal.

The caffeine - in coffee and cola-based drinks- Turn on the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. This increases the sensitivity of sugar in your body. Try adding fruit to cereal for a healthy meal and healthy.

Replace the drinks with high sugar beverages low in carbohydrates. Drinks like caffeinated drinks are not good for you. And 'alarming to know that most people take a huge amount sodas or juices consistently throughout the day. For these people, it is preferable to take tea with lemon instead.


To be honest with you - if you want to stop sugar cravings, you have to take these things very seriously. Do not do these things just ruin your chances. You have to understand that you only need to do one thing of this information - ACT


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