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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Candy without carbs

Candy without carbs - So you sweeten Low Carb

You are doing a low carb diet, or are interested in it? Find out how you can eat sweets despite waiver carbs. 
With a low carb diet, it's about a low-carb diet or diet. This diet is based on the body, with an insufficient supply of carbohydrates to its fat stores is to consume it and it to get its energy. This leads to success in losing weight.

Sweets that you can buy

Candy without carbs are hard to find because there is sugar in the supermarket in almost all products of the confectionery department. 
- The Internet, but you can buy special low carb products, which are characterized by their low carbohydrate content. This includes sweets, such as special wine gums, chocolate or biscuits. Many of these products are from the brand "De Bron". 1
- Nuts are suitable as snacks because they contain very little carbohydrates
- In order to get something else sweet, it is also time to time to drink a glass of Diet Coke 3

Sweet recipes low carb
- To make a sweet dessert yourself, you can boil a packet of jelly to buy themselves. This will prepare you to be with sweetener to add any additional carbohydrates. Note, however, that this version is not complete without candy carbohydrates. 1
- You can also specially waffles to satisfy the hunger for sweets: Mix 30 grams to 50 grams butter with cottage cheese (low fat or up to 40% fat) and a tablespoon of oil. Now add 3 tablespoons protein powder (or four proteins) and as required or Stevia sweetener added and bake the waffles in a waffle iron. This recipe yields about 2-3 waffles.

Weight loss and blood sugar

Weight loss and blood sugar 

Blood sugar or glucose are correlated with being the rapid weight gain and overweight. The reason for this presence that hyperglycemia causes insulin to rise to high levels in your body, which is also a signal to your body to start storing fat. And weight loss is more difficult when your blood sugar is high.

Already, many of you realize that the chips, cookies, and other processed foods can quickly raise these levels. But many foods that are apparently healthy also plays a role. Indeed many labeled fat products can still have large amounts of sugar they contain, which naturally leads to sugar levels in your blood. That said, it is little wonder that so many people have problems with weight loss.

With all this information about glucose levels, now the question becomes how do you control.

How to control your blood sugar

There are several ways you can control your blood sugar, each of them is to be more careful what or how you eat.

Include protein with every meal as protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates. For this reason, eat protein at every meal helps to control the rise of blood sugar in your body, even with foods that cause your blood sugar to rise quickly. However, it is not a license to eat more of these foods, they still make your blood sugar.

Eat foods high in fiber, the fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate. Therefore, it will not affect your blood sugar. Including fiber-rich foods, you're better able to modulate the levels of insulin in the blood.

When you eat when you eat time is also important in controlling how much glucose in your blood. When you say wait 5 or 6 hours between meals, you will probably start feeling hungry. Therefore, every meal you eat will cause a rapid rise in your blood sugar in the blood. To avoid this, do not expect more than 3 hours between meals and snacks.

How you eat if you want to raise your blood sugar quickly, eating large meals. The reason is that your system will not be able to use all those calories to immediately tone your body. Therefore, the rest of the calories are stored as fat, a process in which glucose participates

In short, to avoid favoring fat storage in your body, be aware of your blood sugar in the blood. By doing so, you can maximize your weight loss and better control of how to take your body functions. 

Solutions against cravings and sugar cravings

Solutions against cravings and sugar cravings

The first reflex to stop cravings and cut sugar cravings, it is simply not start eating sugar. So it does not take sugar or candy or jam at breakfast, but rather take the bread or cereal. Because   we eat more sugar and we need: for sweets induce large mounted glucose (blood sugar) followed by equally rapid fall may even produce hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) producing strokes, cravings and sugar cravings .... Making new sweets temporarily improve the situation before producing a new hypoglycemia ... We must therefore stop sweets for breakfast because they produce fatigue and cravings in the morning with compelling needs to eat ... Snacking will only maintain the system snacking - shot bar - snack ...
Some natural remedies help to regulate these cravings:

The   micronutrients Zinc-Nickel-Cobalt   at 1 ampoule every morning and evening before meals, regularize sugar metabolism and appetite.

The trace element Chromium bulb at 1 in the morning is also a good alternative.

It is possible to add Hypothalamus 9HP: 3 granules morning who also speak on appetite.

emotional anxiety 
If this compulsion for sugar is accompanied by a highly emotional or significant anxiety or a depression, it will consider a reduction in serotonin (a neurotransmitter in the brain). In this case, take the Griffonia plant or 5HT (5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan) associated with magnesium to boost production of serotonin.

Finally, if hungry, always find out why (or how) this was hunger anxiety, gastric acidity, fatigue, dehydration, blow bar, hollow stomach? Because according to the case, a relaxing treatment, gastric dressing (green clay) or a few glasses of water ... this will relieve hunger without having to eat sweets.

Dr. Luc Bodin

Monday, May 27, 2013

Losing Weight Fast - sugar cravings

Losing Weight Fast - Sugar cravings

For lovers of sugar that has no sugar cravings at the right time to put this fast habit if you want to lose weight. Losing weight requires you to drop your calorie intake to not more than you consume. Let's say you eat something that contains a thousand calories, if not burned long in exercising or during the day, then surely gain wait.

Weight loss is a numbers game, you only lose weight if you can balance your intake of calories to you burn. Best burn more than you intake and not vice versa, so that no weight. If you have sugar cravings and eat a lot of chocolate or sweets, they are putting in a lot of calories in strong doses.

Prefer two blocks people eat a bar of chocolate. You get the energy it takes less all the calories. People crave sugars, and it just tastes so good and sugars so bring a smile to that face naturally. You rarely see people mourn while eating chocolate or sweets. Something like eating donuts as comfort food. Sugar cravings are a bad thing if you can not handle.

Teach your mind to choose fruits and vegetables sweeter when it comes to snacks. Eating a banana instead of a candy bar. There is no reason why you can not do that. If you want to get on the right track to lose weight, then stop thinking and go eat sugary foods and do some exercise.

Sugar cravings are hard to stop, but can be controlled to walk in a straight line, then I'm sure you can control what you put in your mouth. Eating healthy is not as difficult as it seems. You just need a little common sense. Obviously, eating 5 chocolate bars and a tub of ice cream is not good for you. Eat well and stop sugar cravings today. You can lose weight now lose weight fast does not have to be a dream.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Herbs to stop sugar cravings

Herbs to stop sugar cravings

Gymnema Sylvestre
Gymnema has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. E 'was also widely used for a variety of naturopathic insulin sensitivity. According to a nutritional therapist Nora Gedgaudas "leader and author of Body Primal Mind, Primal, including" Gymnema sylvestre in the early stages of the removal of sugar and carbohydrates can be very useful.

is available in a variety of forms, tablets and liquids, such as grass, and the recommended dosage varies. Gedgaudas advisable chew the tablets, or by the liquid so that the grass is obtained directly on the tongue. This will inhibit the ability to taste and enjoy sugar.

Green Tea
Green tea has many health benefits. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, can be useful in the prevention of many cancers, and helps with cholesterol, diabetes and
many other diseases.

According to Michael Cutler, MD, green tea helps with weoght loss for a number of reasons. It increases metabolism and reduces food intake in general in all - including sugar. It is also useful to relieve the craving for sugar as it increases insulin activity.
Green tea can naturally be consumed as a tea, or a supplement that is available in most health food stores and other spas.

Stevia is a plant that has been used as a sweetener for thousands of years. Stevia is born in South America and is made from a plant that is much sweeter than sugar. It is a non-calorie sweetener because the grass can not be digested by the body, and then passes through the system without affecting the levels of glucose in the blood. For those who are careful glycemic load, the supplemet has a glycemic index of zero.

Stevia has become a very popular plant in the United States and is now widely available. It is available in liquid or powder form and can be used as a supplement for sugar in recipes, coffee and tea. These leaves are also sometimes available in specialty food stores and health.

Stop Sugar Cravings

4 Things You Must Do To Help You Stop The Lure Of Sugar

Do you have trouble stopping your sugar cravings? Have you tried almost everything to stop the call of Sugar ? Then I have to tell you that you are not alone. If you have realized that treatment with sugar diets only make you attract more diets sugary , then you have to do something.

Have you ever wondered why it is really hard to stop sugar cravings? The reason is this: carbohydrates has been seen to quickly satisfy hunger and also give your body a boost in the short term, which is not bad, but it leaves you starving and more sugar cravings, which is where the problem comes in.

How does it feel to stop sugar cravings once and for all?

Why do you need sugar

Humans have always preferred the taste of sugar right from birth. Remember when you were young, you always love those candies and sweets. But according to research, the carbohydrates stimulates the release of serotonin - a brain chemical that makes us feel good - and endorphins in the body. This suggests the reason for which they feel naturally high when you take sugar.

This coupled with the fact that it has a nice flavor, we tend to reward ourselves with the sweet, and I know you do not want to tell you that it makes you want more. The problem arises then when we consume diets that have too much sugar as one of its ingredients; diets such as bread, yogurt, juices and sauces.

It is not news that more sugar is high in calories, so not knowing what to do to curb sugar cravings will only result in one thing: increase of extra weight. I know you do not want it.

Here are tips to help you stop sugar cravings

Do not stuff your refrigerator with sugar 'a little' hard enough, but if you want to stop the lure of sugar, it is necessary to eliminate any type of sugary food in your refrigerator. The best way to do this is to simply stop buying them.

For starters, you might limit the amount for a while ', perhaps it is reduced by 25%, then 50% and so on, after which you stop it altogether.

Choose fresh foods for snacks instead of sweets, processed foods that are high.

Taking the natural sugars in the diet will help you stop sugar cravings, because they are part of a Carbohydrate complex that gives the body its fuel and energy.

Taking the natural sugars that occur in fruits, vegetables and grains are healthier than sweets. In addition, foods with a low glycemic index may help stop the lure of sugar because the body metabolizes them slowly and help keep the blood sugar more stable.

Stop adding sugar to coffee or cereal.

The caffeine - in coffee and cola-based drinks- Turn on the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. This increases the sensitivity of sugar in your body. Try adding fruit to cereal for a healthy meal and healthy.

Replace the drinks with high sugar beverages low in carbohydrates. Drinks like caffeinated drinks are not good for you. And 'alarming to know that most people take a huge amount sodas or juices consistently throughout the day. For these people, it is preferable to take tea with lemon instead.


To be honest with you - if you want to stop sugar cravings, you have to take these things very seriously. Do not do these things just ruin your chances. You have to understand that you only need to do one thing of this information - ACT

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sugar addiction: Causes and remedies

Apparently the "detoxification" Sugar is the trend of the moment. There are diets that promise to eliminate the dependence on cakes in three weeks, thus the loss of extra pounds. But eating excessive amounts of broccoli for a whole week can really help? Let's find out the truth about the greedy desire for sweets, the sugar-addiction and how to remedy them.

The sugar-addiction is a real phenomenon?

Many people claim they can not do without a daily dose of sweet, but it is this that distinguishes the sugar-addiction? The answer is far from simple. The researchers believe that a wrong dietary pattern (not the sugar itself) may create a kind of addiction, and even changes in the brain. Sugar affects the chemicals that are "feel good" (such as serotonin and dopamine) in the brain the same way as drugs.

What are the symptoms of sugar-addiction?

Whether you call it addiction, eating disorder or just bad habit, there are still signs that characterize use of unhealthy sugary foods. E 'can, in fact, lose control and ingest quantities of sweets more than expected. E 'can also experience withdrawal symptoms when, for any reason, you can not satisfy your craving for sweet daily. The symptoms that characterize low levels of blood sugar include a bit 'of anxiety, agitation, nervousness and sometimes cold sweat.

The bond sugar-brain

The sugar feeds the brain cells and also affects chemicals in the brain. Excessive intake of sugary foods can alter the receptors in the brain that regulate satiety, or the amount of food that you eat. Some laboratory studies in rats have shown that mice receiving high amounts of sugar showed brain changes similar to those caused by the suspension of a drug. In humans, the only viewing of images of sweets triggers brain activity similar to that which is denoted in drug addicts. This activity seems to be more intense in women with high dependence on food compared to those which are not found to be dependent in the same way.

The effect of "roller coaster"

When you eat something sweet, the sugar present in that food (called simple carbohydrate) is rapidly converted into glucose in the blood. The levels of sugar in the blood increase and reach a peak, at the time when the simple carbohydrates are consumed individually, or as a sole source of food (for example, when a mid-afternoon you eat a chocolate bar). All simple carbohydrates are absorbed quickly, especially those that are processed and concentrated in syrups, soft drinks in, and at the candy table sugar. Simple carbohydrates are also found in fruits, vegetables and dairy products, but the presence of protein and fiber slows the absorption and ensure the intake of healthy nutrients.

The pancreas releases the hormone insulin act to transport glucose from the blood into the cells for energy. Consequently, the level of sugar in the blood may fall in a rather drastic. That famous chocolate consumed in mid-afternoon sets the stage for an unhealthy dietary pattern. This is because when you have a high sugar spike followed by a decline as high, you tend to get hungry again. Low levels of sugar in the blood can cause tremors, dizziness and urgent desire to reach again the sugar spike last year.

When starch and sugar are equivalent

You have exaggerated with the fries? These starchy foods are complex carbohydrates, but the body breaks them down into simple sugars. If consumed individually, without being accompanied by healthier foods, some starches, such as white flour, white rice and white potatoes, can cause the same cycle "roller coaster" in the previous section. Refined starches are the worst "offenders": white bread, pretzels, crackers and pasta.

Cleansing Diets sugar really work?

Some of these diets urge to eliminate any food containing sugars, including fruit, dairy products and all refined grains, in order to completely purify the body. But dietary changes of this magnitude are too drastic to be realistic . The moment you adopt a diet is not sustainable, it is good to do in the short term or at the end is inevitably likely to return to old habits.

Retraining the taste buds

Because of the sugar-addiction, many people think they need more sugar than necessary. Re-educating the taste buds you can learn to enjoy foods not properly sweet. Try to eliminate from your diet sugary food a week. Do not eat dessert after dinner. Gradually reduce the amount of sugar you put usually in coffee or cereal. Over time, the feeling of dependence will decline.

The sweet alternative

It is not necessary to give up the sweet taste, just get it from other sources. Try to make sweet oats with fresh fruit or with a puree of berries, instead of using sugar. The fruit has nothing to envy to sugar and is available in many forms: dried, frozen or canned (in this case, be careful that it does not contain too much sugar added). Other sources are more than satisfying a glass of skim milk or yogurt with low sugar content. These two foods contain lactose, milk sugar, which has a sweet taste. Finally, they are rich in protein and calcium.

How to Eliminate sugar-addiction

By taking small steps - do not need to deal with the situation dramatically. Made to small and simple changes in your diet that you will be able to sustain over time. Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water and avoid as much as possible to consume processed food. Start by buying sugar-free foods and add to them a sufficient amount of sugar to suit your taste. Gradually reduce the amount of sugar. After a few weeks, you'll be surprised how little you miss.

Please add protein to the diet - When you are "dying of hunger," the desserts are a reminder almost irresistible. The sense of hunger undermines the willpower to resist the urge to sugar. Eating protein is an easy way to curb this desire. The protein-rich foods are digested more slowly and retain full longer. The proteins do not cause spikes in blood sugar as refined carbohydrates and sugars. Choose healthy protein sources such as lean chicken, low-fat yogurt, eggs, nuts or beans.

A cargo healthy fiber - Dietary fibers promote the feeling of satiety. The fiber-rich foods also give you more energy and does not increase blood glucose levels, thus avoiding the appearance of an additional sense of hunger immediately after eating. Opt for the soluble fiber in fruits and vegetables, and for the insoluble fiber found in whole grains. Or, spread a thin layer of peanut butter on an apple for a combo of protein and fiber. Finally, the fibers help to protect against heart disease and some types of cancer.

Outputs outdoors - Physical activity does not eliminate the sugar-addiction, but helping to change the way you eat in general. The people who start an exercise program feel better about themselves and are more likely to consider a healthier eating pattern, such as eating less sugar. Whatever the type of physical activity you choose, try to practice for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.

The truth about sugar substitutes

Before you put that packet of sweetener in coffee, consider the following. The researchers found that sugar substitutes may increase sugar cravings, making it harder to keep your weight under control. Sweeteners do not satisfy the sweet tooth, increase the risk of increasing the desire to opt for sweet foods.

Better to opt for sugars "natural"?

Honey or brown sugar are actually better than white table sugar? Not really. Sugar is sugar. Whether it comes from honey or cane sugar, in any case can increase your blood sugar. The sugars of honey and unrefined ones contain a slightly higher amount of nutrients than refined sugar, but they are still calories. This caloric intake will affect the waist and hips, if you do not pay attention to portions.

What is the recommended amount of sugar?

Most Americans consume more than 19 teaspoons of added sugar per day. This means that about 285 of your daily calories come from sugar. Experts agree in asserting that this amount is extremely excessive. So how much sugar is good to consume? No more than 6 teaspoons a day (100 calories) for women and about 9 teaspoons (150 calories) for men.

Sugar is not only sugar is called

Just because the label is missing the word "sugar" does not mean that the food in question without one. The sugar has several aliases, including:

agave nectar
brown rice syrup
fructose corn syrup
evaporated cane juice
malt syrup
In search of hidden sugar

Sugar is not only present in ice cream or candy. It can hide in unexpected foods. Although some foods are not considered as belonging to the category of sweets, they can still be high in sugar, such as ketchup, barbecue sauce, pasta sauce and salad dressings with low fat content. Even the bread can be rich in sugar, as well as some flavored coffees. Get used, therefore, to read the nutritional information on labels before putting the food in the shopping cart.

The sugar causes diabetes?

Sugar does not cause diabetes, but it can trigger a series of events that increase the probability of occurrence. Eating too much sugar promotes weight gain. The overweight makes the body more resistant to the effects of insulin and insulin resistance increases, in turn, the risk of diabetes.

Friday, May 10, 2013

When sugar is a drug detox

When sugar is a drug: here's how to detox

If these days, thanks to the Easter , there is gripping the suspicion of having risked overdose chocolate , if only to break away from the idea dove throws you into a state of prostration: science could reserve you a bitter truth about your desire sweet.
In fact, according to neuroscientist Bart Hoebel, binge sugar can have effects on the brain similar to those caused by the abuse of drugs: with real withdrawal symptoms and dependence. If you thought you were just greedy: open your eyes! According to the study of ' Princeton University , New Jersey, you might even be sugar-dependent. The research was carried out using guinea pigs and feeding them high doses of sugar water every day, after they had spent the night fasting. Within three weeks, the animals began to show signs of impatience and frenzy behavior similar to that of drug addicts in withdrawal symptoms. Remained long been eager to get a new "dose" were uncontrollable, "said Hoebel. experiment in animals showed an increase in brain dopamine as he explains Hoebel " It 'a substance that is found in the nucleus accumbens, the part used to motivation and reward mechanism and is known for some time that drug abuse increases the release of dopamine in this part of the brain, we similarly found that sugar acts in the same way . " In another experiment, the guinea pigs, after being fed for a period consisting of sugar, have been forced to spend a few more weeks without receiving. Well, when the substance was reintroduced in the diet, they ate a lot more than before.
Even Professor Pierfranco Spano, a professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the ' University of Brescia , located convincing the hypothesis that sugar causes dependence on us.
" So-called reward systems that we have in the brain, from the Anglo-Saxon medicine defined "rewarding system", mediate the effects of all drugs of abuse. words, there is a participation of brain systems in which the master key is dopamine. This is usually the appetitive behaviors that depart from the masencefalo and arrive in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain, in turn, divided into two areas, the so-called "shell." This "shell" comes on in the event of desire or expectation of reward . "
" Genes and postnatal development in the long run directing people toward alcohol, sugar or cocaine. The "choice" of the object of addiction is made ​​based on experience and personal predisposition: and it is on this front that science is investigating further . " But do not worry, it would seem that in order for the mechanism of addiction is active is a need for massive doses of sugar. The discovery of Hoebel, in any case is very important at the scientific level, as it represents the squaring of the circle of a whole series of studies and could have important implications for people who suffer from eating disorders, such as "binge eating" ( crisis binge eating) or bulimia. Instead, if the sweets are actually your obsession , Dr. Scott Olson, an expert in alternative medicine doctor gives us some useful advice to defeat this insidious form of drug that reaches the point of creating withdrawal symptoms when sugars are missing such as anxiety, nervousness, tremors, restlessness. If you want to detoxify follow these simple tips: - Eat more often this will help reduce the "tremendous" craving for sugar - Eat more fruits that contain the (few) unrefined sugars reduce the need for elaborate desserts. Only the melon has a glycemic index slightly higher than other fruits - Brush your teeth: it seems, in fact, is a great way to turn off the sugar cravings - Take more exercise, even a simple walk will take you through gluttony According to the Dr. Olson, sugar harms us: increasing body weight and convulsing from the blood vessels in the same way that smoking poisons the lungs. Obviously, it will be easy to reduce the consumption of sugar, but when you succeed you will feel better, more relaxed and with more energy. But it does not end here: no longer be dependent on sugar also means guarantee more soundly and long lasting. Well, according to science less sweet in life makes life sweeter ...

Sugar Detox

Sugar addiction detox

I do not know how, but my instinct led me to understand one thing that I do not think anyone has ever explained to me before, but my searches have subsequently confirmed not only sugar causes infinite damage to the walls of the veins, fat, is devoid of nutrients and causes of glycemic peaks that can lead to failure of the pancreas and then to diabetes, but fully busts the perception of the sense of hunger .. udute heard, it creates a real addiction that leads to irratibilità if not heard and are constantly looking for food ..

It 'so that I know that sugar, that special faffinato face only damage so it is very I try to reduce it, but I find myself still facing the cravings for food and sweets, too much, too frequently .. I blamed the sweeteners and when I took it, definitely influivano also those, but mainly because they are not of chemical compounds, but simply because they are sugars. All sugars are addictive, stoned the sense of hunger and lead to emotional eating those who, like me, are prepared.

So today I decided that I idsintossico sugar, of any food or drink that contains, for about ten days to begin with, to take stock and see how it goes. But I get to make the consumption of sugar a rare exception, conscious of the fact that if I get rid of this addiction, they will earn 'health in the long run, but in theory I should feel after just a short calmer.

At this time I feel that gentle agitation under running through my skin .. I am convinced that it is the addiction, yesterday evening I again made full of crap ... a Mc Flurry, different slices of sandwich bread with jam, forlaggio, mayonnaise .............

I need to get rid of all aueste schifoserie, I need to find my contact with nature ..
Even now my breakfast has become essential to make me feel to have begun the day well: nothing things industry, only oats, soya milk, cinnamon, unsweetened herbal tea and a grapefruit .. And I love it! And I feel good in the morning!

The problem usually arises in the evening.

But yesterday I also started to do business, do aerobics room, with excellent video I found on you tube. That makes me feel good, I feel relaxed, your muscles, a little 'sore now, but stronger and I know that usually makes me lose the will .. When I went to the gym before dinner, I came home with hardly get hungry! Now, however, 'I have class until late and is already difficult to manage hunger ..

Today, however, 'I may have found a good solution: the mess I clearly avoided the cake, I took 2 entrees and mixing them I stuffed an extra sandwich that I took, so I prepared a half for dinner when I'm in class, which will allow me to arrive home late without dying to do so without risking attack the machines .. Then at home I'll make 'a salad or some vegetables and bake me want to go to bed at a decent hour .. last night that if I've done yet another disaster is why I started to watch the show in the room and I know how it goes systematically to finish ..

Just like cigarette smoke and called for smattere the only way you do not turn on the next cigarette, either now or never, the same goes for desserts, ice cream and all industrial troiai who are in all the fucking machines that are each 3 meters underground and right ... If I were the Minister of Health in France first imporrei that were removed .. It is not a normal thing, in Italy there is no such thing and thank goodness! I try all the time, every time you put your nose out of the house .. If disgraziatamenti to say that you have a little 'hunger ... Tac, there she infernal slot that box and tritasalute .. And every time there is to resist the temptation to put eurino ..

To this I say enough. I really want to detox from sugar, see how you are, because if you're like I think, I think that I will draw 'even more benefits from having stopped smoking!

No more attacks of werewolves craving for sweets and auqlsisi what is edible ... It would be a dream ... I'd be free ... I'll be 'free, and will be the reality!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

How to prevent sugar cravings

In some people the intense desire to consume sugar becomes intense. This is harmful to health because, long-term, frequent consumption of this item, you cause diseases such as diabetes .
Some studies have shown do this sweet substance affects the brain and becomes more addictive than drugs, because its consumption causes a transmitter called dopamine , is released and produces a feeling of well being.
After using sugar, this feeling disappears and the need to want more sugar, producing a vicious circle difficult to stop. Nor is it an adequate solution suppress forever.
To avoid this type of addiction, it is essential to have willpower . However, we suggest some tricks to eliminate cravings for sweet foods in your life.
• Eat balanced, in lots of protein and vegetables, including carbohydrates. This prevents feel appetite between meals.
• To not get out of your diet baked goods, it is advisable to make their own using ingredients like oatmeal and sweetener stevia .
• Assign one day a week to eat a lot of sugary foods and not feel you are banned for life.
• Keep a permanent oral hygiene after each meal, as it will prevent ingest products with high sugar content.
• When drinking tea or coffee use hot sweetener and remember eating them.
• Replace sweets food or oatmeal cereal bars containing honey . You can also choose to eat nuts.
• To prevent consumption, simply do not buy sweets. If no, you will not eat.
• Prepare liquefied natural fruits and vegetables without sugar seleccionar as naturally possess.
• A good trick is to chew gum with mint flavor. How to fix The 21 Day Sugar Detox Manual From Balanced Bites

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Tips to prevent and curb sugar cravings naturally

How can you stop sugar cravings that are annoying and interfere with your diet and normal eating pattern? 

Suddenly you crave sugar and when you eat a jelly bean, you find that you can not stop until you've eaten the whole package, and then you repent and you feel disgusted with yourself is demolished entire package? Here we will examine the cause, what causes them, how to prevent it from happening and how to stop once they start. sugar cravings and binning on sugar can be considered a habit or an addiction in the worst case can have a sugar addiction that resembles an addiction to coffee, snuff or other drugs.

Why sugar cravings occur?

Sugar cravings can be associated with a decrease in the levels of blood sugar. If it is a couple of hours since the last meal of the appetizer is reasonable to expect that you will feel hungry and this will lead to sugar cravings.

For other articles about diet and weight loss see:
Sugar is the quick fix and many organs including the brain depends on sugar, no fat or protein. You body can supply sugar in the sequence of breeding, but it is a slow process and it is much easier and faster to eat just sugar.

Food cravings are also due to various hormonal changes Many women have found that they crave sugar when they are premenstrual Our emotional state, we feel it is also largely responsible for sugar cravings - .. We eat to feel major. Also sugar can be caused by a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. tired and need a break can also trigger a desire.
Feelings of anger, stress or frustration can also trigger a desire and many people seek comfort by polishing a cake, an entire block of chocolate or an entire package of cookies.

Type A people are probably more prone to sugar cravings. The people are more impatient, more ambitious, more aggressive and more prone to stress and its various symptoms. These people are also more oriented achievements. Sugar cravings can also develop from excessive consumption of coffee and tea. After a while caffeine induce successes bajaataque blood sugar and stress feeling relieved quickly by a sugar hit.

Why am prone to sugar cravings?
Nutritionists have found that people who eat messily, eat fast and eat a restricted range of high-carbohydrate and high-fat foods tend to develop cravings for sugar and other food addictions. Sugar cravings can be considered as a form of compensation for a meal without interests a poor diet.

Foods that are low in fiber and have a high density of calories can lead to sugar cravings, as they are digested faster, producing an increase in the levels of blood sugar [link here] and tend to result in long before hunger pangs after a meal.

Chronic diet and failed may be particularly prone to erratic sugar cravings and uncontrollable. Diet leaves you vulnerable, because you feel tired, stressed and hungry, and foods with high sugar content provides instant relief. People who try to starve yourself for part of the day son probabilistic crashing and having too much sugar.

If you like your meals slowly, feeling fully satisfied at the end of the meal without overeating and eating fiber-rich foods take longer to digest may be less likely to develop addictions to sugar due to avoid circumstances that trigger their appearance.

How to prevent sugar cravings
Reduce high sugar shock included in their normal eating patterns. Do you tend to eat something sweet at the end of each meal? Do you tend to snack foods high in sugar, such as ice cream or cookies. Completion? Ice cream after dinner? If you can break this habit, you will help prevent sugar cravings and breaking the cycle and develop better alternatives.
Preventing hunger between meals and choosing better snacks - To avoid anxiety and sudden onset of hunger develop new habits of health always have snacks on hand between your three main meals Eat fruits, nuts, crackers high in fiber. As snacks salads or yogurt. Eat snacks regularly before there is the risk of a sugar hit.
Brushing teeth at the end of the meal can help stop sugar cravings. A toothpaste good quality leaves you with a fresh minty taste in your mouth feeling clean and that can make you less likely to grab something sweet.

Drink plenty of water - you can often mistake thirst for hunger and a drink will hunger This can not last long, but you could get to the next meal and avoid sugar hit ..
Breaking the habit comfort food to do something different. To break the habit you need to avoid feeling bored or stressed up and go for a walk instead of always looking for a bite. Do something different. Find undistracción away from sugar-laden snack - call a friend, go for a run, have a long hot bath or shower, listen to music, meditate or enjoy a bit of yoga.

Avoid moments - The trick is to delay or avoid the temptation to satisfy your sugar cravings immediately, greatly reducing the number of times you are tempted and give it to them after all they are called now for good reason.?. If you can avoid or delay? time?, weakness along with the temptation will. This works well to prevent sugar cravings. Learn to do anything but eat something sweet and you'll be well on the way to break the habit. You may actually like yourself to be stronger than your desires!

Remove the temptation, Clara your pantry - Another way to avoid the temptation of snacks sugar craving is to clean your pantry and avoid stores that offer these items Keep all tempting snacks that are eaten by the rest of the family -. Outside the vistas of mind.?
Never shop when hungry or tempting places. It is very easy to succumb to the sweet treats almost unconsciously sugar levels in the blood are low. Eat something healthy before going high in fiber, like a piece of fruit or a low fat, low sugar yogurt. Avoid snack and only islands, but what is on your list.

Hypnosis to stop sugar cravings

Also a last resort you can try hypnosis to control your sugar cravings. You can even try on self-help hypnosis mp3 recordings that are available online. They have a very reasonably priced, and come with a 90 day money new warranty risk free more than enough time to see if this works for you:?



It begins with a chocolate kiss candy cup.  Next thing you know, you have in your hands a bag of M & M, as they plan a night with Ben & Jerry. A research study in France suggests that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. While enjoying your white chocolate, the brain is busy releasing dopamine and opioids, pleasure chemicals highly addictive.
Sink your teeth into a donut gives us momentary pleasure, but candy can ultimately leave us depressed and anxious. A research done in 2002 studied the diet in six countries and found that the higher the sugar consumption, more is depression. It's worse if your drink is sweetened with fructose, the sugar cheaper version.
Abusing fattening sugar erodes teeth and increases the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.
Yet the average American enjoys 130 pounds of sugar per year, because saying  no   is not always easy. A Princeton study found rats suffering withdrawal symptoms when you take away their sugary foods. The good news is that Eastern wisdom and Western science offer us strategies to curb sugar cravings.

How to reduce sugar cravings?

1. They have a tasty breakfast. This means eggs, sausage or oatmeal (butter and nuts, no raisins). As soon as you add honey into your oatmeal or jam smeared on toast, began his next binge of sugar.
2. Eat cooked green leafy vegetables. Broccoli with butter, grilled asparagus, spinach and other vegetables to increase energy and provide minerals that block the craving for sugar, such as magnesium. The slightly bitter taste of greens also helps prevent sugar cravings.
3. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Studies show that diet sodas stimulate real sugar cravings while fat faster than their sugary counterparts.
4. Sweeten with Stevia. This no-calorie sweet herb can be used in your coffee, to make lemonade, puddings or smoothies and baked goods.
5. Get sunlight on your skin. Vitamin D helps produce serotonin, a hormone that helps to feel good about who controls our desire for sweets.
6. Eating fat. Beneficial fats - butter, walnuts, salmon, avocado and olive oil - help stabilize blood sugar, prevent hunger, while stimulating the hormones that keep us from feeling anxious and depressed.
7. Eat protein at every meal. Vegetarians often struggle more with sugar cravings. Meat, poultry, eggs and fish stimulate energy and boosts mood neurochemical to curb sugar craving.
8. Enjoy a cup of tea Gymnema sylvestre. A simple tea of ​​this herb helps to balance blood sugar, while making it impossible to prove something sweet after a few sips as their next bite of chocolate will be soft and greasy.
9. Sleeping 8 hours. Lack of sleep stimulates ghrelin, a chemical that sugar creates anxiety, and suppresses leptin, a chemical that tells comer.Eso stop makes the perfect storm for a sugar binge.