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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

7 Ways to Reduce Sugar in the Diet

7 Ways to Reduce in the Sugar Diet

The sugars , or carbohydrates, are substances that are essential in our diet, as they provide the energy required by the body to activate each of its components, from the brain to the muscles. Not surprisingly, in fact, a right power requires, according to the so-called food pyramid, a correct proportion between the carbohydrates (60%), to which belong precisely sugars, lipids (25%) and proteins (15%). Content fall in the category of sugar, fructose, glucose and sucrose; like all carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex, according to the molecules that compose them: Monosaccharides are those constituted by a molecule and those constituted by two Disaccharides. The first are of rapid assimilation, while the latter processes require more complicated and Fields, which cause by complex become simple. 

The assimilation process begins as early as the mouth, where the enzyme called ptyalin begins the splitting of starch, while the stomach and then in intention you get to the splitting of glucose, which is transported to all the cells of the body. The problem is not the fact of hiring and assimilation of sugars, but to keep down the glycemic index (GI), ie the amount of glucose in the blood. There are foods with a low, medium and high GI. Contain little sugar plum, pear, apple, milk, yogurt, beans, grains, lentils and fructose are medium glycemic index pasta, rye bread, pineapple, bananas, kiwi, mango, grape, orange and carrot, while they are all carbohydrates with high glycemic index, and therefore more dangerous, those found in processed foods, ready meals ie, the bibete sodas, candy chews, cookies and all pre-cooked foods, which contain many sugars, not last white sugar, which is the result of the refining process industry. 

In order to maintain a balanced diet should be aware of these basic points: 

- Remember that there is a "complete" food, but there must be a complete diet that is varied and consists of 3 times during the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner, ACUI possibly add two snacks. 

- Do not exceed 50 gr. of sugar per day, equivalent to 10 teaspoons or cubes, as the daily intake should remain between 10% and 15%. 

- Assume water-soluble fibers because they slow down the absorption of sugars in the intestine. 

- Do not remove the fat , that they also serve to slow the absorption of sugar. 

- Consult a nutritionist and not resort to diets do-it-yourselves. 

- Refer to the table that shows the amount of carbohydrate present per 100 grams of food, thanks to which you can adjust to match the food in a timely manner. 

- Pay attention to diet products, which may not have indicated the presence of sugars, but they bring too many calories as other foods, because they use the substitute as glucose syrup. 

- Take Substitute white sugar : sugarmill cane, fructose, honey, molasses, aspartame and Stevia plant, produced in South America, which is 300 times sweeter than sugar and rich in beneficial properties.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sugar Diet Detox

Sugar Diet Detox

Some people also experience digestive issues due to the increase of fiber from all in the fruits and vegetables.  For the succeeding seven or more days, add brown rice, steamed vegetables, and fruit which are all organic for your diet is advised.  If lots of toxins are mixed together within one's body at one time our body of cleansing can become overwhelmed.  Exercise and a healthy lifestyle are also important for any healthy elimination system.  To help achieve a normal balanced p - H level, talk about the chart below.  

Top rid of it with herbal infused extra virgin olive oil for taste.  However, it will require a lot of self-control and also you have to get the determination to stick with it as long as it requires.  Exercise is wonderful for detox, especially if a sweat is worked up.  When performing a detox I like to snack on raw seeds and nuts.  Green tea is also allowed however you shouldn't add sugar to it.  

An often not mentioned topic is colon cleansing.  There are simply just the healing symptoms that a result of the releasing of toxins from the body cells.  Why is honey a better option than ordinary sugar if you happen to be watching unwanted weight and what you eat.  As our bodies eliminates debris through the lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys, and blood, there could be some side effects like headache or fatigue.  When blood sugar (blood sugar levels) is low, one's body and distribution of energy reserves to fill the glucose concentration of blood glucose levels.  

As the name suggests, after meal hyperglycemia or postprandial hyperglycemia normally occurs after taking meals and fasting hyperglycemia occurs after prolonged fasting.  Foods an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids are actually proven to get anti inflammatory so I recommend eating as many of these foods to help fight inflammation.  Changing specific factors in your life will benefit you and your human body a tremendous amount more.  Just as important as what you eat is: water and workout.  Technically, these man-made sweeteners are also toxins.  

In fact excess sugar is one from the most common reasons for fatigue.  So without further ado here are my top 6 foods, in no particular order:.  If a young child wanders off from the sidewalk, they're just doing what children do, and that we gently guide rid of it onto the path.  Information on this article can be compared to information available at Lemon - Detox.  ) but eventually it's going to become fat reduction since I'm exercising again and reducing a large amount of excess calories.